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The Image Test Collection consists of many different reference images and test patterns - each covering a special test scenario. The test images can be used for a wide range of system or module tests like the verification of displays and display control units or the verification of a certain software algorithm.

All images of each single test case are available in various image formats. Please see the page Supported Image Formats for more details.

The sections below contains an overview of all available reference images and test patterns.


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Aspect Ratio and Geometry

Aspect Ratio and Geometry

The "Aspect Ratio and Geometry" image set contains some test pages to verify the display geometry.

The page "Aspect Ratio" (front left) illustrates the rectangular areas of standard aspect ratios (16:9, 16:10, 3:2, 4:3, 5:4 and 1:1) which are fitting into the display area of a certain resolution.

The page "Pixel Aspect Ratio" (center) can be used to identify the pixel aspect ratio of a display or system. The graphics which appears with a square and a circle indicates the corresponding pixel aspect ratio.

The page "Physical Dimension" (front right) contains a horizontal and a vertical scale (in pixel) and illustrates the coordinates of the center and all corners.

The "Border Cropping" page (back left) is useful to detect an overscan or underscan of a display system. The scales on all sides indicates the number of cropped pixel.

The "Parallel Lines" (back right) page contains horizontal lines and green rectangles. The horizontal lines are parallel - even they appear different...


Select format and download "Aspect Ratio and Geometry" image set.



Basic Colors

Basic Colors

The "Basic Colors" image set contains some test pages handling with primary colors and color models.

The "Basic Colors" test image illustrates the additive color mixture by using the three primary colors red, green and blue, as well as the subtractive color mixture by using the three complementary colors cyan, magenta and yellow.

The "Hue Saturation Luminance" test image contains a color arrangement of the HSL color format. Each hexagon contains the color tone out of the color spectrum (hue) and the mixture of the color tone with gray (saturation). The four hexagons are shown with 100%, 75%, 50% and 25% luminance.

The "Opacity" page contains a mixture of the basic colors with a black background in the following ratios: 99%, 95%, 90%, 80%, 60%, 40%, 20%, 10%, 5% and 1%.

This image set may be used within test applications e.g. to verify color range, color reduction or color saturation.


Select format and download "Basic Colors" image set.



Checker Pattern

Checker Pattern

The "Checker Pattern" image set contains several colored and monochrome checker pattern images. The colored checker pattern are prepared with a fixed grid size of 32x32 pixel. The black and white checker pattern are available with a grid size in the range from 1x1 pixel to 32x32 pixel.

The checker pattern images are helpful within test applications e.g. to verify contrast range, display response time or display resolution.


Select format and download "Checker Pattern" image set.



Classic Test Pattern

Classic Test Pattern

The "Classic Test Pattern" image set contains some test pattern similar to the popular TV test pictures broadcasted some years ago during the night. These test pattern are well suited for an overall check of color settings, display geometry and sharpness.

The "Test Pattern Standard" (left) contains a gray background with a white square grid pattern. The line weight of the horizontal and vertical lines is exactly one pixel, as well as the white surrounding circle. The top area of the test pattern contains the basic colors yellow, cyan, green, magenta, red and blue with 100%, 80% and 60% saturation. The center area contains a row of 12 gray levels from black to white, a linear gray gradient and a set of vertical black and white lines with a decreasing width. The bottom area of the test pattern contains color gradients of the three primary colors red, green and blue.

The "Test Pattern RGB" (center left) contains four equal areas for black/white and the primary colors red, green and blue. Each area consists of the following rows: The first row contains 16 color steps, the second row contains a linear color gradient, the third row contains vertical color lines with a decreasing width and the last row contains horizontal lines with a line weight of one pixel.

The "Test Pattern Color Bars" (center right) corresponds to the well known SMPTE color bar test signal. The upper part of the image contains color bars with 75% white, 75% yellow, 75% cyan, 75% green, 75% magenta, 75% red and 75% blue. The narrow part in the middle of the image contains the so called "reverse bars", used to adjust hue and saturation. The lower part of the image contains a 50% gray area and a black area with two narrow bars, one slightly "more negative than black" and one slightly "more positive than black". If the black level of a system is properly adjusted, the first bar should disappear, whereas the second bar should be barely visible.

The "Zebra Pattern" (right) consists of rows with vertical black and white lines. The line weight of the single black and white lines is between 5 pixel and 1 pixel. The bottom row contains a natural version of black and white lines...


Select format and download "Classic Test Pattern" image set.



Color Nuances

Color Nuances

Each image of the "Color Nuances" image set presents a grid of color nuances of a certain basic color. All 256 possible gradations of a basic color mixed with black or transparent are shown.

This set of images is helpful to verify the correct setting of contrast and brightness, to verify the color linearity of a system or to test a certain software module (e.g. color reduction or alpha blending algorithm) with all possible color nuances.


Select format and download "Color Nuances" image set.



Color Saturation

Color Saturation

The "Color Saturation" test images are prepared for gray values and the primary colors red, green and blue. The background is filled with a color intensity of 50%. The upper half contains high color saturations with 90%, 92.5%, 95%, 97.5% and 100% of the corresponding color. The lower half contains low color saturations with 10%, 7.5%, 5%, 2.5% and 0% of the corresponding color.

These kind of test images are very popular to adjust contrast and brightness settings.


Select format and download "Color Saturation" image set.



Color Steps

Color Steps

Each test image of the "Color Steps" image set contains the mixture of a basic color (red, green, blue, white) with black or transparent. The mixed colors are arranged in horizontal and vertical stripes, in steps of 10%.

Within a test application, the single color steps should be clearly distinguishable from each other.


Select format and download "Color Steps" image set.



Convergence Pattern

Convergence Pattern

Convergence pattern are used for adjustment of the three electron beams in a color CRT or rear projection TV set. The colored line pieces should complement one another to a consecutive line.

The "Convergence Pattern" image set consists of three images with different vertical RGB line pieces, three images with different horizontal RGB line pieces and three images with different RGB cross pattern.


Select format and download "Convergence Pattern" image set.



Image Rotation

Image Rotation

The "Image Rotation" set consists of one master image and a sequence of rotated images from 0 degree up to 90 degree in steps of 1 degree. The background of the master image is build up by a gray color and a white grid pattern with a line weight of exactly one pixel. The foreground of the image contains a set of vertical and horizontal lines with a decreasing line weight, some color lines and color gradients and an image of colored crayons.

The "Image Rotation" set is intended to be used as reference for the verification of rotation algorithms implemented in software or hardware.


Select format and download "Image Rotation" image set.



Image Scaling

Image Scaling

The "Image Scaling" set consists of one master image and a sequence of up- and down-scaled images from 70% to 130% in steps of 5%. The background of the master image is build up by a gray color and a white grid pattern with a line weight of exactly one pixel. The foreground of the image contains a set of vertical and horizontal lines with a decreasing line weight, some color lines and color gradients and an image of colored crayons.

The "Image Scaling" set is intended to be used as reference for the verification of software scaling algorithms or hardware scaler.


Select format and download "Image Scaling" image set.



Linear Color Gradients

Linear Color Gradients

The "Linear Color Gradients" image set contains several linear, horizontal color gradients. Each of the three primary colors (red, green, blue) is combined with black, transparent and its complementary color (cyan, magenta, yellow). Additionally, the primary colors are combined with each other and some black/white gradients are prepared.

The color gradient images are used to verify the color linearity of a device or a display.


Select format and download "Linear Color Gradients" image set.





The "Nature" image set contains 11 different high quality images prepared for all supported resolutions. The images are useful to evaluate sharpness, color balance and color naturalness of a display or image system.


Select format and download "Nature" image set.



Palette Test Pattern

Palette Test Pattern

The "Palette Test Pattern" image set contains images with color samples of three different standard palettes.

The "Standard Palette RGB332" (left) contains 256 different colors build up by combining 8 levels of red color (3bit), 8 levels of green color (3 bit) and 4 levels of blue color (2 bit).

The "Standard Palette Web" (center) contains the popular palette of web-safe colors. This palette is build up by combining 6 levels of red color, 6 levels of green color and 6 levels of blue color. Thus, the palette contains 216 different colors, spread over the whole color range.

The "Standard Palette DAVIC" (right) is an orthogonal palette including transparent colors. The palette is build up by 135 colors with 100% alpha (fully opaque), 56 colors with 75% alpha, 36 colors with 50% alpha, 16 colors with 25% alpha, one transparent color and some optional gray values.

The "Palette Test Pattern" images are intended to be used for verification of palette based software applications, color reduction algorithms or dithering algorithms.


Select format and download "Palette Test Pattern" image set.



Radial Color Gradients

Radial Color Gradients

The "Radial Color Gradients" image set contains several radial color gradients from the center of the image to its border. Each of the three primary colors (red, green, blue) is combined with black, transparent and its complementary color (cyan, magenta, yellow). Additionally, the primary colors are combined with each other and some black/white gradients are prepared.

The color gradient images are used to verify the color linearity of a device or a display.


Select format and download "Radial Color Gradients" image set.



Radial Wedges

Radial Wedges

The "Radial Wedges" image set consists of four test pages in different colors containing radial wedges in the center and all corners.

This image set may be used within test applications to verify display aspect ratio, scaling or vertical/horizontal deformation.


Select format and download "Radial Wedges" image set.



Reference Page

Reference Page

The "Reference Page" image set contains a master image and a set of different image modifications. This image set may be used as reference for image encoder/decoder or image processing algorithms.

The master image consists of a gray gradient background with a white grid. The raster size of the grid is increasing from left to right and from bottom to top. Additionally, the background contains a lens effect and a full color gradient in the bottom area. The foreground of the master image contains an image of colored crayons and fruits, some horizontal and vertical lines with a line weight of 1 pixel, some checker pattern with a grid size of 1x1, 2x2, 4x4 and 8x8 pixel, and some colored sample text with different font sizes.

Based on the master image a set of modified images is created, e.g. with horizontal/vertical flipped content, with inverted colors, with palette based or gray colors. Additionally, a sequence of JPEG images with different quality settings is generated.


Select format and download "Reference Page" image set.



Solid Colors

Solid Colors

The "Solid Colors" image set contains simply a set of full screen colors: black, white, red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, gray and transparent.


Select format and download "Solid Colors" image set.





The "Wildlife" image set contains 10 different high quality images prepared for all supported resolutions. The images are useful to evaluate sharpness, color balance and color naturalness of a display or image system.


Select format and download "Wildlife" image set.


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